Seven Species by Sew Marie Studio


  • Downloadable pattern suite including pattern charts formatted for screens and print, a beginning cross-stitch guide, and a guide to finishing the design as a challah cover
  • Precut Zweigart aida or linen fabric in ivory or white
  • 2 size 24 tapestry needles
  • 77 skeins of DMC floss
  • Optional: Kona quilting cotton backing fabric (27 x 19 in. or 24 x 17 in.)
  • Optional: 5-inch embroidery hoop
  • Optional: needle threader


All seven agricultural species of Israel mentioned in the Torah (Hebrew bible) – wheat, grapes, olives, figs, pomegranates, and barley – are featured on this challah cover. Stitch for yourself, as an heirloom, or as a gift, and use as a pillow, Challah cover, or frame on the wall. DMC floss colors and symbols provided in PDF pattern. Printable and compressed versions for tablet viewing provided.

Make sure to download the instructions and project guide – it includes answers to almost every question you could have. If you have more questions, it also includes instructions on how to reach the artist.

Pattern/instruction files included:

  • Project stitch guide with: floss purchase list, information on how large the pattern is and what size cloth to buy, how many strands to use, tips for beginning the project, etc.
  • Symbols and color chart for printing (15 page) – recommend taping together
  • Symbols black and white chart for printing (15 page) – recommend taping together
  • Symbols and color chart for tablets (2 page and 4 page)
  • Individual legends to work panel by panel

Pattern uses 75 floss colors and measures 213 x 338 stitches. This bundle includes supplies for the larger sizes of this design, stitched on 14/28 ct or 16/32 ct Aida/linen. For smaller designs, we have a more limited selection of fabrics in 18 ct and 20 ct, including white Aida.

  • 14 / 28 ct: 15 x 24″ | 39 x 61 cm — size cloth to buy: 18 x 27″ (46 x 69 cm) or larger
  • 16 / 32 ct: 13 x 21″ | 34 x 54 cm — size cloth to buy: 16 x 24″ (42 x 61 cm) or larger
  • 18 / 36 ct: 12 x 19″ | 30 x 48 cm — size cloth to buy: 15 x 22″ (38 x 55 cm) or larger
  • 20 / 40 ct: 11 x 17″ | 27 x 43 cm — size cloth to buy: 14 x 20″ (35 x 51 cm) or larger