Sundance modern tatreez by DecoElian


  • 1 digital PDF pattern document with stitching charts in three formats
  • Zweigart white 14-count aida, precut to 12 in./30.5 cm square
  • 1 Bohin size 24 tapestry needle
  • 8 skeins of DMC cotton floss: 444, 452, 611, 832, 833, 977, 3854, 3855
  • Optional: FSC-certified beechwood embroidery hoop, 6 in. diameter


Yellow Mediterranean inspired cross-stitch motifs are an ideal choice for both classic and contemporary designs. This pattern design makes a bold statement in contemporary rooms and adds warmth to a classic room.

Design is 93 x 90 stitches. On 14-count aida the finished piece is approximately 6.6 in/16.9 cm square.

The 10-page digital pattern for this bundle comes with three styles of charts but does not come with written instructions so it’s best for those with some previous cross-stitch experience.